(07) 3725 6100 info@affinityplus.com.au

Industry Expertise

More than most, Affinity Accounting Plus (AAP) appreciates the importance of understanding your business on every level.  We know it’s more than just having a dedicated, experienced team of financial and accounting professionals to advise you; we know the importance of having a good understanding of the nuances of the industry you and your business are in.

While financial and accounting principles are the same regardless of the industry, there are a myriad of other factors that are not. For this reason, AAP has experienced professionals whose business it is to have a deep understanding of the workings of specific industries, ensuring we bring to the table knowledge of the intricacies of your specific business environment.

AAP specialises in taking business people through the business life-cycle from:

  • Acquisition or start-up
  • Through the growth phase and then
  •  Through renewal, succession, exit, investment and retirement phases.

Our experts have a comprehensive understanding of the specific workings of a number of fields, in particular:

  • The Fruit & Vegetable Industry
  • Food and Beverage Industries
  • The Medical Profession
  • Pharmacy
  • Construction & Related Industries
  • Service Industries

Your business’ financial affairs are too important to leave to anyone other than the most committed professionals in their field, AND yours.